Mailorder Email : support@downrightmerch.com
Demo Submissions: Triple B Records 23 Bay State Rd. Boston, MA 02215
WHOLESALE ORDERING INFO: For wholesale orders, please email triplebrecords@yahoo.com. You must order at least 3 of one record and at least 10 total records. You pay the exact shipping (media mail, I double box records so they won't break / get bent).
ORDERING/SHIPPING INFORMATION (PLEASE READ) As of February 2018, I no longer pack BBB mailorder. A fulfillment center now does that for me so I don’t have 100480384 records and shirts around my apartment.
Any webstore inquiries can go to support@downrightmerch.com and they will take care of you :)
WHOLESALE ORDERING INFO: Email triplebrecords@yahoo.com to be set up with a wholesale account.
PRESS / PUBLICITY INQUIRIES:alexa@wordlesspr.com